Sunday, December 16, 2012

World Peace and Family Time

I am the mother to three people. I would say three children, but the truth is  they are young adults now. I have had the good fortune to have a wonderfully crazy and diverse extended family (a quirky combination of luck of the draw in my biological family, my failed first marriage and subsequent colorful second union with Mike, not to mention the decisions of other family members on choices of mates). I hope I have instilled in my people that all of their assorted parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings are 'keepers'.  You can love someone and not be able to live with them. You can want the best for someone that gets under your skin. You can wish PEACE for your irritating  brother or sister (or cousin or ....even your Mother).

Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta)

May all beings be safe and protected.
May all beings be peaceful and happy.
May all beings be healthy and strong.
May all beings know love and be at ease.

As the holidays approach, with parties and family celebrations, let's all try to remember that we are connected by blood and affection, by chance and intention, by accident and divine coincidence. As we exchange gifts, let's remember it is not about the stuff. It's about the LOVE.

RELAX. Enjoy your irritating family. Embrace the logistical nightmare of coordinating events, arrival times, dietary restrictions, and make sure you have plenty to drink (alcohol is optional, but I recommend it) and paper supplies. If you can't embrace your own family, then world peace is probably out of the question.

I am going to practice some loving kindness for all my loves and their loves.
