Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bane of my existence - OR just my little sister?

Something or someone is "the bane of my existence" means that the person or thing is a constant irritant or source of misery....

47 years ago, my sister, Suzanne Maxey Massey, was born on what my parent's brilliantly designated 'NATIONAL PICNIC DAY', August 22, 1965. Explanation: I was born on Valentine's Day in 1964, 5 years later in 1969....little Georgie, my baby brother was born on Easter Mom and Dad made up National Picnic Day. National Picnic Day 1965 changed everything for me...and I was only 18 months old.

 I am the oldest kid, which folks who know me will tell you, is perfect for my personality. At 48, I still think if my siblings would do what I tell them, they would be a lot better off. This never really happened while we were growing up, doesn't happen now, but I still like to think I could help them out if they would just ask :). The sad part is they don't need my help - especially Suzanne.

Suzanne was always right behind me at every developmental milestone. I had 18 months on her and for awhile that worked for me. I did manage to stay one step ahead of her for years, but then when we became teenagers, she caught up. She was a super track star, running the mile relay and cross country. I eventually grew to love cross country, but did not actually believe in sweating until college. She was class president and very well thought of by her peers... while I was voted 'most eccentric'. (Note to my children - that does not mean 'most weird'). Needlesstosay, we are very different. I am naturally outgoing and (dare I say it) opinionated. Suzanne is ever the diplomat - unless you piss her off. - just ask Doug. She even thanks the cops who work at 5K road races...and will let someone pass her in the last 50 yards of the race. People say Suzanne is nicer than me....and I have to admit it is a little bit true.

Today, Suzanne, married to Doug, is a 'Big Dog'. She is the principal at an elementary school with 600 students. She manages a large staff, the PTA loves her, and she even has 3 grandkids (thanks to Doug's kids) that she gets to spoil. My kids know how to work her...Aunt Nan is a bit partial to my brats. I am grateful that they have her in case I lose my mind and they need a rational adult to talk to (Mike does not generally qualify as such if I have lost my mind - his is gone, too).

Suzanne's house is spotless, she is uber organized. Her car smells brand new and does not have any random sport bras or soccer cleats flying around in it. She always looks put together, even her under garments are pretty....mine are functional and boring. Her hair is a real style - she maintains it professionally. I cut my own bangs and sometimes don't wash my hair for 3 days in a row. She likes to shop - which I hate and my girls love....she lets them bitch about me, which I hate and they also love. She NEVER swears...well, sometimes, she says 'shit'....I have been known to swear on occasion (I taught most of Damek's friends to swear properly).

I could go on and on about all the things we have shared...bedrooms growing up, girlfriends - even now, vacations, heartbreaks, holidays, bottles of wine, parents...and even a brother. I totally take her for granted way too much. We have been team mates, roommates, enemies, and bridesmaids to one another. We share a million memories and the future.

Bane of my existence is probably a bit of much....Suzanne is my oldest dearest friend and knows all my flawed, limited, personality traits.

Happy National Picnic Day to my sweet sister! I love you!

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