Saturday, February 23, 2013

" How Drunk is Drunk Enough?"

 Challenge to my friends of all ages - if you are so inclined.

Disclaimer: I AM NOT a religious studies professor or endorsing any particular faith.... I am a BELIEVER in a deep profound way in the power of GOD and the Universe. SO keep reading if you are interested in one girl's searching.

1. Read Bhagavad Gita - an ancient Hindu poem (preferable the Stephen Mitchell translation - because of its ease to read).  You can skip to the movie first....but come on, you guys love reading....and a promise you can read the Gita in an afternoon.

2. Then Watch the movie, "The Legend of Bagger Vance" -yes, Will Smith and Matt Damon....and Charlise Therone

As many people may know..the movie "The Legend of Bagger Vance" is loosely based on the Hindu work Bhagavad Gita. Everytime I read the Bhagavad Gita, I am inspired by both the gift and futility of our lives. AND, watching Bagger Vance the other night with Simone, I was reminded of those feelings. Maybe because Will Smith is awesome in his portrayal of Krishna or God...or a golf caddy.

Let me know if you check this out and what you think.

There is so much in this movie that I love....the respect for the street sweeper, the love of an worthy opponent, the longing for days gone by...and the MOMENT of now.

One more in case you are not interested....yet.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Be grateful to everyone.

In my most recent copy of Shambala Sun - a Buddhist bimonthly magazine - I was reading an article about Buddhist truths to help us cope with the drudgery of day to day. The major theme in pretty much every issue, frankly, is that we all have struggles and that non attachment is the way to ease the struggles.

One tip was to be grateful to everyone as you go through the day. Grateful to the people who help you, thankful for the makers of the items that make your life easier or simply just grateful.

So I decided to think of all the people I am grateful to that I don't even know. I mean, obviously, I have immense gratitude to my parents for my very existence. I am grateful for Mike - who loves me inspite of my shortcomings, my kids that amaze me and teach me. For friends that support me and call me out. Blah blah blah- you get it - I am so grateful for my bountiful blessings.


THIS - the grateful truth - is that we are dependent on each other. I owe a debt of gratitude to the automakers in the plant in the Toyota Kanji Iwate plant that made my car.  I am grateful to the coffee growers in South America for my coffee beans. I am grateful Nils Bohlin, the Swedish engineer and inventor responsible for the three-point lap and shoulder seatbelt. Hell, for inventors of many modern conveniences...electricity, plumbing, forced heat and air, bicycles......

I am grateful for NPR, the Beatles, MUSICIANS, artists, writers, teachers, doctors, shoe designers - I love a good slutty architectural shoe, I really do. I have NO idea what is involved in designing Tsubo shoes....but I love them.

I love my HOT ROLLERS - who ever invented that technology must have been dreaming of my HAIR.

My co-workers who make my day job both challenging and interesting and sometimes fun.

Gratitude for the farmers that grow my food. The truckers that haul it to the store. The clerks who stock the shelves and open up. The soldiers who defend freedom and human rights for all. The animals I live with, the ones I eat. The chickens that lay the eggs...bees that make honey. The cats that soothe and entertain me after a long days toil.

The receptionist at the yoga studio, the bank teller, the UPS person, the road maintenance folks for filling the pot hole and the auto techs who changed my tire.

Gratitude for the men that built my house in 1906.  The women who weave the fabric that my shirt is made from and the sheets on my bed. SO MANY PEOPLE contribute to my day. I could keep going on and on.

This litte truth proved to be sobering. It doesn't matter what you do, but it is so important to someone that you show up and do it. Even be grateful for the RUDE waitress or shop you can appreciate when the next one is PLEASANT.

Try it. Be grateful to everyone.

Gandhi said that 'whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it's very important that you do it'.

Be grateful to everyone.